Dear Friends in Christ,

I am enjoying my time here –  getting acquainted with you, learning your names, and discovering where things are located in this building!

Although it takes a while to put your trust in someone, I want to assure you that anything that you share with me in confidence will always remain confidential.  You can rest assured that there will be no “leaks” from this pastoral office.

If you know that you or a loved one will be going into the hospital for any reason, and you would like me to visit, please let me know. People are not in the hospital very long these days, so I would also be happy to visit you in  your home. Or, if you have something that you would like to share with me, please call the church office at 485.9639 or my home phone at 746.5189 to set up an appointment.  I am usually in the pastor’s study on Wednesdays, and in the afternoons on Thursdays, but your calls do not need to be limited to those days.  I am happy to talk with you at any time.  Visits can also occur on other days, as well.

Additionally, if any one of you would like to either read scripture or do a children’s message on a Sunday, please let me know.  I would be delighted to have you participate in those parts of worship.

Thank you!

Pastor Betty