Good afternoon . . .

Finally some rain with our sunshine. We need both to sustain life. So it is with our lives, challenges and blessings produce fruit. I hope that you have seen that to be true in your own life.

Dan Stauffacher, a former pastor at PCC, is going through some challenges and has asked us to pray for him and his wife. He also welcomes phone calls at 485-5177. I shared that with you last week and this week as a reminder 🙂
As your week progresses consider calling or emailing someone with some words of encouragement.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

  • It is great to see the new windows in the church. Granted not an earth-shaking event, but a wonderful blessing God has allowed us to have.
  • We still need support on our Council and trustees with new members. If you desire to serve, contact Laurie Hill or Randy Smith. 

It’s good to see you at Church again although some may still be reticent. We have set up the Parish Hall with a speaker for those who would like extra physical distancing.

 We are also looking into videoing the service as another option. We presently have a podcast (recorded message) of Sunday’s message at  It can also be found at and the Church Facebook site.Hopefully, you are aware that I produce a video devotional each week. That also can be found at our Facebook site at as well.

Thank you again for your offerings and gifts during this time. Again, you are welcome to use  or call Marc Herring for information.I hope that you will have a great day!


Pastor Duffy