James 1:2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

We have been studying about trials and now we are facing some trials which demand our attention, namely the Corona Virus. We love you all and want to support you any way we can. We also want the church to be as safe as possible by following guidelines suggested by health authorities. 
We will be working creatively over the next weeks to find ways to “do church” together and stay connected to all of you. We don’t yet know all the ways to accomplish this, but will be experimenting with technology to remain emotionally and spiritually together while practicing “social distancing”. We want to continue to be a light to our community and a support for each other, so although our methods may change our mission will remain the same – “to know God and to make him known.” We know that God will be glorified even during these trials and that even though we are being forced to do things in very new ways, God is not surprised by any of this and is our only true source of comfort and provision.

  • Church activities are suspended until April 6th or until the “no gather order” is lifted, whichever comes first.
  • I will continue to post weekly sermon messages on the podcast and will be working with Tim Keefe and George Bozeman to include music. In this way, we can continue to worship as a church family, praising God for his blessings and guidance.      
  • We appreciate your gifts and offerings so much. If you aren’t using “Push Pay” the link is below. You can always mail your offering in as well. Thank you ahead of time for your kindness and cooperation. http://www.pembrokechurch.podbean.com/ 
  • We want to continue to be available to you to meet your needs and to be praying specifically for prayer requests.  Sue and I will continue to work at the church during our normal office hours and you can call me or the church office and leave a message – my number is 603.848.1225 and the church number is 603.485.9639. Please feel free to call – even if it is just to say hello and touch bases with us!
  • Please know that the Deacons are praying for each member of the congregation individually and are willing to assist in any way.
  • We are hoping to create a Facebook group page for the “Fundamentals of Faith” Bible study and will be sending messages to you soon about that.  Please feel free to jump in to this if you are interested and didn’t have the time to participate previously.  We all have more free time right now with so many cancellations, and what better way to spend it than in the word of God!  (We can order books if you are interested and you can easily catch up – so join us!)
  • We will be sending copies of the updated directory within the next few days, so please check it and let Sue know if there are any inaccuracies in your contact information. Office email is fccpsecretary@gmail.com  and mine is dlj7318@gmail.comWe will be working to ensure that our email and phone directory is up to date and accurate as much of our communication will be through technology. 

Please be thinking and praying with us of ways to reach out to each other and to our community, and let us know your thoughts.  We love and miss you and can’t wait until we are able to meet physically as a church family again! 

In His Grip – Pastor Duffy