Our World and Country

1775 Ben Franklin appointed 1st Postmaster General.
1776 Declaration of Independance drafted by Thomas Jefferson
1777 Congress approves design for 1st American flag.
1788 New Hampshire ratifies the Constitution.
1789 George Washington is elected 1st president of the United States.
1791 Freedom of Religion amendment is adopted.

Our Community

1775 Voted to raise money to ready men for an “expected expedition.” 2 companies raised.
1780 Kimball Tavern built
1782 A bounty of $10 offered for every head of a “grown wolf” killed in Pembroke.
1789 “Voted Martha McNeal – the use of the Parish Cow…to allow her to care for her mother.”
1781 Voted not to raise money for school purposes, but $20,000 for repair of highways.

Our Church

1777 Rev. Jacob Emery, former pastor, dies suddenly at 39 years of age.
1776-80 No regularly ordained minister in town. Rev. Colby ordained in 1780.
1778 Church votes to raise 60 pounds for support of preaching for the year.
1780 May 19th was called the Dark Day – a day when candles had to be lit during the day. Led many people to seek “divine protection.”